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Office Home & Student 2016 Windows XP/7/8 MUSHI +Portable Download

The Microsoft Office 2016 Flat for Windows is still the bread and oil products of the company when it comes to revenue despite the refusal of the particular platform focus on Windows. This has led to the release of Android and IOS Office before Windows Phone, Windows and Mac before, as it did in Office 2016.
All the little onesChanges
Once installed, Visio and Word will have versions of Access, Excel, Onedrive, OneNote, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher installed. What’s in mind that this program is available separately and should be downloaded as a package. If you liked the previous version of the program,It should be noted that you can not work with the 2013 Office side by side with 2016, so running the machine may be important to consider.
One major difference that you see in Skype for business sinks now.
At first glance it looks and feels very similar to the Word 2013 version, though with one touchMore colorful with Word Blue Ribbon interface in surplus. Icon set slightly different, but the main choice remains the same.
The biggest addition is the Tell me box, which is more than just a help menu that can be searched for. For example, notice type that would mean Insert Comment function, butInstead it tells you how to post a comment that will do this for you otomatis.Fitur is also located in Excel and PowerPoint.
The second major add-on is to edit real-time documents, which means you can see exactly what others are working on a document on the screen. This feature is moreIs available from Office Online.
Others include a new nodweddionGair Store where you can download the Microsoft Word application and also a simple Save as location and email address added to cloud accounts like OneDriveUntuk to avoid confusion with the local version.
Improvementsbehind the scenes
Excel has a menu that is fine, but the interface is almost the same as the previous version. Although they can not change the gallugweld on the surface, they use Excel for workWith much data, I have the pleasure to know that Microsoft has improved the feasibility of its business intelligence(BI).
The company has integrated several add-ons to BI-nyaHanya, which need to be divided into previous versions of Office. Adia-ons contains Power Inquiry, which allows business users to easily display relevant data without an IT input (known as self-service enBI); Power View, which allows usersTo create reports that are easier to show. There are also different charts and graphs that can be selected, including tree map, Sunburst, Waterfall, Box Mustache, Histogram, and Pareto.
A new addition is koneksiDengan onedrive, allowing you to attach files directly from yourCloud storage.
There are some newidiadauPa Microsoft has made the eye is invisible but it will help you protect the data from falling into inappropriate hands as well as greater accessibility and improvement of IT managers who want to apply this set,
Never change
In general, changes inOffice 2016 for Windows is small and, in addition to a useful feature, regular users will not see them. As for galluExcels BI, Microsoft has taken a step further towards advanced users.