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AutoCAD Architecture 2014 torrent

AutoCAD Architecture 2014 English (k32) and (k64) bis
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Language: Russian + English
Medicine: plaster, keegen
System Requirements: – 32-bit 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows Update with KB2919355,Windows 10 (for 64-bit version) – 32-bit (k86) or 64-bit (k64) for processing clock speeds of 1 GHz or higher – 32 bit version: 2 GB of RAM (recommended 3 GB); for 64-bit version: 4 GBRAM (recommended8GB)
– video adapter with a resolution of 1360k768 (recommended 1920k1080 or more), which is full of color palette(True Color) offer and support for DirectKs 9 (DirectKs 11 is recommended).
DeskSoft EarthView 5 64-bit versions of Windows Support 10 support up to 3840k2160
– 10 GB free disk space for installation
– Digital switch with VINTAB support
– Microsoft Internet Explorer or later
– Adobe Flash Plaier 22or newer
-. NET Framewor Optional for 3D modeling and large amount of data – 8GB or more RAM – 6GB free disk space, without taking into account the space required for installation
– video adapter resolution 1920k1080, which offers True Color mode with memory capacityof at least 128 MB, Shiker Shader or later, Graphic card class workstation with Direct3D support
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