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Microsoft Word 2013 torrent

Word 2013 is the latest Microsoft Word Processor that is part of the 2013 Office. It offers improved performance in earlier versions and more features.
If you do not like the Lint interface installed in Office 2007, you can not hide Word 2013. The ribbon interface is back, but has been improved. Values are transmitted to facilitate access to the most commonly used functions. The menu items in the ribbon receive the aestheticUpdates to get to know them better.
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013
There is also Touch mode, which makes Word 2013 more than the previous versions. This mode is only available if you have a touchscreen computer. The buttons become larger and make it easier to select the elements.
The welcome screen has been redesigned to be more useful. You can see recently opened documents and a whole range of new templates. There is also a box to find the top where jykan is looking for more templates onlineexamined. This is very useful because Word 2013 does not contain a format type from the box.
It’s easier to add photos because Word 2013 can enable images from your Flickr, Facebook and SkyDrive accounts. With Word 2013, you can also browse photos under a Creative Commons license with Bing. There are also new guides to make it easier to position and resize images in Word 2013.
PDF support is getting better Word 2013. PDFs are now opened in Word as Word documents.You can convert Word documents to PDF, preserving the formatting you created. Converting and opening PDFs in Word 2013 is fast.
New in Word 2013 is the downloading of applications. Microsoft has a software store office wherever possible. You can download and install various productivity tools such as dictionaries. While some programs are useful, they respect their screen area and do not work well with multiple non-screen documents.
TheCollaboration was easy even with Word 2013. You can still track the changes, but if you have an Office 365 account, all comments can be synced to anyone working with the document. You can access the latest version. Comments can be marked as done and turn gray, which is less annoying.
axisWhen you are satisfied with your current word processor, new features may not be enough to update Word 2013. Microsoft Office 2016 Word2013, however, offers new updates and features that make it the best version of wordcor word.