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File, please be an unusual game in which you have immigration inspectors. Their job is to make sure that anyone crossing the border has documents in order and adheres to the immigration law, which is constantly changing.
The gossip
Please play in the newspaper the citizens of the Soviet Union, who are to work as immigration inspectors. You did not get much money, and you financed the money for work. Since everyone is undergoing controlled immigration,You should make sure that everything is OK. It gets more complex because of advanced games, so it may miss something you’re sorry for.
You should make sure that you can support your family and stay healthy so that mistakes can have a negative impact on them. It’s hard to manage your basic salary, so it can be Mistakes made with a family you want to keep alive
Fall down
Please have a well thought out and well controlledProgram that you can easily select during game development. Picture, it will be pixelated, see here 8Baluktot, compatible with 80s feel like a game of drugs. But the newspapers, not a game in which pictures or sounds are the main attractions. It is a thought-provoking game and you are trying to see what kind of person is forced to choose between suitable immigrants and take care of your family.
Are you a bad person?
Role, please do not be funnyGame in the traditional sense. But it’s interesting, well designed and well written. As proof that video games are not silent and maybe “art”, it’s great.