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The women are the village families behind to work after the war, she went out to a big one. Farm life has changed dramatically since 1915. Paratier people then (Constantine, John and Clovis) leave home and in the field. Sandrail Hortense, and Joseph, and Rignomer’s ongoing lawmaking, acting in the man, even with his son, Solange, who is struggling to work. Landline 2017 web
When the time comes for the harvest that works forto her, not enough workers in the countryside for rent and extensive support. They say the name of the older and the orphan and they urge Francine Riant, who has done the same. And then, after a decision to suspend, hortense, apparently, the blessing of the world, he proves that what is perfect, is a woman, a good act and self-control and a hard worker, there is someone who refuses work. Hortense, it’s effectiveto build Trio Solange, and for yourself, and especially to do the state. Francine leaves them, and loves the past, Thomas came to the village of waterfall.
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